Friday, June 13, 2008

This has been an awesome week on the writing front.

Scorpio Risen was accepted by Tease as part of The Dark Tarot line. I finished up the first round of edits on it a few days ago. It will be out in August in ebook form and it will be in print later this year, probably November. It'll be paired in an anthology with my vampire release from Tease, Brothers at Arms.

Secondly, The Dark Castle Lords, DCL Publishing, has accepted Within These Stone Walls for publication! I just got the acceptance letter and contract so I have no clue when the release date will be. I'll post when I know it of course!

Thanks to everyone for all the good karma and well wishes lately. It's helping!

I am catching up on the Weekly Write's. Check them out on my MySpace blog! Click the Contact link to the left to find a link to my MySpace as well as other social networks to friend me on!

Carpe Noctem,