My fae dark romance, Last Chance upon a Murder is available now in PDF from Freya's Bower! The HTML version is coming soon! View the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMnh7CcVwDQ
Carpe Noctem,
An ancient rite performed in modern times. A lone woman unaware of her destiny. A preternatural creature hunts for one soul to claim for his own. What havoc will be wrought when the three intertwine? Can two beings from vastly different worlds find peace together, or are they doomed to walk between worlds forever?
Giana stiffened. “You’re here to kill me.”
“I never stated anything to that effect.” The sluagh did not move from the place he’d morphed at.
The dark-haired woman stepped back, wary, eyeing the mephitic man. His clothing harkened back to the Victorian era and appeared genuine. His ascot, probably once white, was now dingy gray. “Why are you here? What do you want with me? What is your purpose here?”
Ashtalon’s mouth widened into a grotesque smile, baring yellowed teeth. “Predatory.”
“Were all of the crows in that murder on the prowl?”
“Yes. We were on the Wild Hunt. I have found my quarry.”
“You died once.” Giana took another step back. “Don’t fuck with me or you’ll die again, and this time you won’t be coming back. I’ll blow your fucking head off.” She stored her gun in her bedroom, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Humans in this day and age are so violent, even the women,” Ashtalon mused. “Truth be told, humans always have been a violent race. Your history is pockmarked with battle and strife. You need not fear me, Giana. I mean you no harm.”
“I don’t understand. If you’re not here to kill me, why are you here for me?”
“You claim to know mythology and lore. You have stated the sluagh try to claim the souls of the dying, and I commend you for being correct on that point. Do you know what the crow symbolizes, Giana? Do you know why we choose that form when making our descent to Earth?”
She paused. Her mind swirled with so many thoughts at once. What was the symbolism of the crow? She knew this, but of all the ideas in her head, that one eluded her for a moment. “Intelligence,” she replied as the recall hit. “Prophecy.” She wracked her brain for more. “They also symbolize warrior spirit or magic. Some cultures view the crow as a harbinger of death, an unlucky sign. A group of crows is called a murder. It’s a rather disturbing designation to some people.”
“A harbinger, precisely. For a person as fixated on death as you are, Giana, you appear very reluctant to die.” Ashtalon gestured to the various pieces of artwork adorning her walls and shelves. Many depicted skulls and other morbidities.
“Just because death fascinates me doesn’t mean I’m ready to cross over yet.”
“You will whether you are ready or not.”
“Everybody dies eventually.” She paused. “Am I going to die soon?” Her voice dropped to a near whisper.
© 2008 - Desirée Lee