Things have been moving along quickly here! My Muse has been on a vacation, but otherwise life has been very busy for me.
Within These Stone Walls is now available! Find it HERE at DCL Publications or HERE at All Romance eBooks!
Brothers at Arms is a best seller! My vampire romance came in the top five on Tease Publishing's best seller list for the month of November. Many thanks to everyone who bought the book and helped make this possible!
I'll be a couple places this month for chats and giving away prizes. This weekend I am at Romance Bistro. There's still time to get in on the party today!
December 15th I'll be over at Midnight Seductions, toasting their One Year Anniversary. Stop by for tons of fun and prize giveaways.
December 20th I'll be at Savannah Chase's Second Annual Holiday Bash. Savannah always throws a heck of a party!
Please join me and many other wonderful authors at these online parties. Drop in to chat, do funny quizzes, share recipes and talk about books, books and more books!
Carpe Noctem,